Contact Us
We would like to extend an invitation for your organization to join our committee. If you are a Tier II facility interested in membership, please complete the information provided here to submit your request.
Members represent many organizations and companies in the Potter and Randall County area. Potter/Randall LEPC Members include representatives from the following:
Amarillo Area Office of Emergency Management
Amarillo Emergency Communications Center (AECC)
Amarillo Fire Department
Amarillo Police Department
Amarillo Independent School District
Amarillo Smeltering and Refining Company (ASARCO)
American Chemical Society
Bell Helicopter Textron
City of Amarillo, Utilities
Pantexas Deterance LLC
Canyon Fire Department
Jack B. Kelley, Inc.
Owens Corning
Potter County Fire & Rescue
Randall County Fire Department
Rivas Environmental
Talon LPE
T-Miller Wrecker Service
Tech Spray
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
Texas Department of Transportation
Tyson Fresh Meats
Xcel Energy
Members of the Public